Saturday, 26 May 2018

Chapter Chat Tasks For Week 5


  • VOCABULARY: swelteringly, gorged, provisions, paralysed, unrecognisable, coaxing, plummeted, eddy, plausible, propelling, tributaries, mutinous, alight
  • DRAW: the scene where the blue butterflies alight from the bank.
  • INVESTIGATE: dolphins – find out what type of dolphins we have here in NZ and where they can be found. WRITE a information report on a NZ dolphin.
  • DRAW: the scene where Fred talks to the dolphins.
  • MAPPING: Draw a map showing the travels the children have taken so far. Remember to use key information from the book.
  • DIARY WRITING: Don’t forget to fill in your diary entry this week. Who did you choose? Fred, Con, Lila or Max?
  • MINECRAFT: Create the scene when they get to the lake and see the cliff.
  • MINECRAFT: Create the scene from the top of the cliff.
  • SCRATCH: Show them climbing up the cliff.
  • FLIPGRID: Explain what you think the children were thinking when they got to the top of the cliff.


QUESTION 1: Share this week’s tasks. Don’t forget to leave a comment on someone else’s work.

QUESTION 2: Do you think these children were friend at the beginning of this story? Are they friends now? Explain your answer.

QUESTION 3: What started the fire? Explain your answer. What impact do you think the fire will have on the Amazon? Explain why you think this.

QUESTION 4: How long have the children been lost for? What makes you think it’s that long? Explain your thinking.

QUESTION 5: Why did Con say, “Is it me, or does the river suddenly feel less on our side?” What might have changed to make her feel this way?

QUESTION 6: What did the children find at the top of the cliff? Describe it.

QUESTION 7: Why do you think there was a city at the top of the cliff? Who do you think made it? Explain your answer.

QUESTION 8: Who do you think the man is? Explain your answer.

QUESTION 9: How do you think the children feel about finding an adult at or least another human in the jungle? Explain your answer.

QUESTION 10: What do you think will happen next? Explain your answer.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Chapter Chat Tasks for Week 2

Welcome to Week Two Year 5/6 “The Explore” by Katherine Rundell.
You will need to ensure you keep up with the reading schedule each week. Please ensure you are vigilant at reading to students daily, so they can join in in the discussions on Fridays.
7-11 May read chapters: The River, Food and Fire
You do not need to do all these activities each week. Some may take more than a week to do, so can go over a couple of weeks. Share them on Twitter when your class has completed them.
For drawing activities your students could use tools such as Microsoft paint, Adobe photoshop or google draw.
For writing tasks, a really good website to use is StoryBird
VOCABULARY: wedged, triumph, surreptitiously, convalesce, unobtrusive, unswervingly, inscrutable, sarcastic, pulsating, skeptical
VOCABULARY: wedged, triumph, surreptitiously, convalesce, unobtrusive, unswervingly, inscrutable, sarcastic, pulsating, sceptical
DRAW: A NZ ant, label its parts. Draw a bullet ant and label it’s parts. Compare them. What is the same, what is different? RESEARCH how many varieties of ants there are in the NZ and then in the Amazon.
MATHS RSEARCH: Learn about compass points. Locate East from your classroom. Next explain what is located North, South, West from your classroom. You could go one step further and locate North East, North West etc…
RESEARCH: What plants are poisonous in the Amazon – list 3 and explain how to spot them. Then look up poisonous plants in NZ. Learn about 5 common plants found in the garden that are poisonous and CREATE a warning poster for one of them.
RESEARCH: Investigate what Pneumonia is. WRITE an explanation about what it is.
RESEARCH: How long can a person survive without water? How long can a person survive without food? Why is there a difference? CREATE a warning flyer for people going on expeditions in the wild.
INVESTIGATE: What a caiman is and then create and BUILD a caiman catcher (not life size!).
DIARY WRITING: Choose one of the children and write a diary entry every week about their adventure from their point of view.
RESEARCH: Who is Percy Fawcett? WRITE a biography about him
INVESTIGATE: Are there any bugs you can eat in NZ? CREATE a poster to identify edible bugs!
MAKE: a compass – you’ll need to investigate how first.
MINECRAFT/SCRATCH: Create the camp site. Show the children
FLIPGRID: Explain a time when you were either lost or homesick.
QUESTION 1: Share this week’s tasks. Don’t forget to leave a comment on someone else’s work.
QUESTION 2: What does the author mean by “his voice practically wore a tie” when she was describing Fred’s Father?
QUESTION 3: Why do you think it is important to explain directions using compass turns? Explain your answer.
QUESTION 4: Do you think Con chose her clothing, or was it chosen for her? Explain your answer.
QUESTION 5: How old do you think Fred, Con and Lila are? Explain why you think they are that old.
QUESTION 6: Explain why Fred thought the mud tasting river was better than ‘hot chocolate at Christmas” or “fresh lemonade at summer” ? Explain your answer.
QUESTION 7: Why do you think returning to the clearing was like “going home’ to the children? What did they mean by this?
QUESTION 8: What do you think the title of the book was that explained what types of insects could be eaten?
QUESTION 9: How would you feel sleeping out in the jungle, lost at night? Explain your answer.
QUESTION 10: What prior knowledge do these children have that has helped them survive so far? Explain your answer.
© Jodi Hermond 2018 / Chapter Chat 2018

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Build Your Own X-Wing Helmet - DIY Prop Shop

Good afternoon,

Just found this, and although it is specific to an X Wing helmet, this bloke does show some cool ideas that you can use in your own mask / helmet designs.


Mr Grant