Friday, 15 June 2018

Chapter Chat Tasks for Week 8

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Welcome to Week EIGHT Year 5/6 “The Explore” by Katherine Rundell.

18-22 June read chapters: The Vow, Explorer School, Stuck in the Mud and Max


VOCABULARY: precious, irate, gourd, fanatical, gratitude, evolutionary, disconcerting, maniacal, convulsing, erratic.

MAPPING: draw a map of the children’s next journey.

INVESTIGATE: vampire bats. DRAW one and label its parts. Write a short description about it.

INVESTIGATE: Does NZ have any native bats? Write an information report about them. Map their location on a map of NZ. Is there any around where you live?

PLAY: stuck in the mud.

CREATE: a new game for the children to play. Write instructions so we can play it too. Record your class playing the new game and share it with us.

INVESTIGATE: bullet ants. Where are they found in the world? DRAW a picture of one and WRITE a warning sign for the children.

DIARY WRITING: Don’t forget to fill in your diary entry this week.

FLIPGRID: How do you think Lila feels about her brother being bit by the ant? Do you think Max was in the right place when he got bit? PASSWORD: ChapterChat5/6



QUESTION 1: Share this week’s tasks. Don’t forget to leave a comment on someone else’s work.
QUESTION 2: Do you think the children should have tattooed their hand with an x to prove to the Explorer they would keep his secret? Explain your answer.
QUESTION 3: Do you think, with all the advice the Explorer gave them, that the children could have made it out of the jungle if they had had to walk out? Explain why you think this.

QUESTION 4: Why do you think Max was having bad feelings? Do you think he knew something was going to happen to him? Explain your thinking.

QUESTION 5: How do you think Lila felt when she saw Max lying under the tree?

QUESTION 6: Do you think they will be able to get Max out in time? Explain your thinking.

QUESTION 7: What do you think Max was doing when he ended up getting bitten by the bullet ant? Explain your answer.

QUESTION 8: The Explorer said they can fly, how can this be possible? Explain your answer.

QUESTION 9: Who do you think will do the flying? Explain your answer.

QUESTION 10: Do you think Max will survive? Explain your answer.

© Jodi Hermond 2018 / Chapter Chat 2018

Friday, 1 June 2018

Chapter Chat Tasks for Week 6

Welcome to Week SIX Year 5/6 “The Explore” by Katherine Rundell.

4 – 8 June read chapters: The Ruined City, The Explorer and The Top

For drawing activities your students could use tools such as Microsoft paint, Adobe photoshop or google draw.

For writing tasks, a really good website to use is StoryBird


VOCABULARY: minotaur, dolorous, exquisite, pungent, taut, impatiently, nonchalant, iridescent, controversial, gourd, contemptuous, hubristic, gauche.

DRAW: The stranger (description is in the first few pages of “The Ruined City”)

INVESTIGATE: What is a caracara? Draw it and write a short description.

WRITE: A job description for an archaeologist. You will need to investigate what they do first.

CREATE/MAKE: a food storage unit for the children

DESIGN: A spring snare to help the children

DRAW: The man’s ring. Or CREATE the man’s ring. (Don’t use the same materials as he did!)

DRAW: The lost city, try and use as much detail from the book as you can.

DIARY WRITING: Don’t forget to fill in your diary entry this week.

MINECRAFT: create the city they are now standing in

SCRATCH: create the scene where Fred and the man set the traps.

FLIPGRID: Why do you think the man was not being kind to the children?

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QUESTION 1: Share this week’s tasks. Don’t forget to leave a comment on someone else’s work.

QUESTION 2: What do you think the man is hiding behind the tangled creepers?

QUESTION 3: Why do you think the man wouldn’t help the children to begin with? Explain why.

QUESTION 4: Why do you think the man wants the children to keep the city a secret? Explain your thinking.

QUESTION 5: Should the children keep this place a secret, so the man will help them get home? Do you think they will keep it a secret once they get home (if they do get home!).

QUESTION 6: What do you think the yellow thing is that Fred saw?

QUESTION 7: How long has the man been in the lost city? Explain your answer.

QUESTION 8: What did the Explorer mean by “The greatest threat to living things is man”? Explain your answer.

QUESTION 9: Why do you think the explorer believes “Your bad ideas will become good ones when you are extremely hungry” ? Explain your answer.

QUESTION 10: What do you think they will catch in the trap? Explain your answer.

© Jodi Hermond 2018 / Chapter Chat 2018