Sunday, 1 July 2018

Chapter Chat Tasks for Week 10

2-6 July read chapters: Flight Home, Another Kind of Explorer and Epilogue.

  • VOCABULARY: radiating, signet, rangier, affixing, cataclysm, enigma, tawdry, scandalising
  • DRAW: the scene where they are about to take off on the plane.
  • WRITE: an alternative ending to the story.
  • DRAW: a picture of the children (now adults) at their reunion.
  • DIARY WRITING: Don’t forget to fill in your final diary entry this week.
  • INVESTIGATE; Famous NZ explorers, such as Edmund Hillary. WRITE a biograph about them.
  • MINECRAFT: Create the take off from the hidden city.
  • SCRATCH: create the landing of the plane and being rescued.
  • FLIPGRID: What was your favourite part of the whole story? PASSWORD: ChapterChat5/6